What is this page?

It is written on the label. Made at first for those who love photography and need the technical knowledge to get the job done with their images, this page offers the basic theory and practice for fast and effective Digital Image Editing.

Straight to the point. No bells and whistles. Fast and effective means:
  1. You want to get the work done with free software and open source, nobody checking you for rights or fees.
  2. You have no time to lose, so you want to be productive.
  3. You want the tools to work in full power, being configurable, reliable, usable anywhere, anytime, anyway. To work on all kinds of image data, and offer the freedom to exchange data between applications that you and your partners use and on different platforms (Windows, Linux, MacOS).
  4. You can carry your tools as portable and use them with no installation on any Windows computer, regardless of what software it has or not, with your own configuration as if working on your own machine.
The learning scheme
Time needed to attend
Technical requirements
The learning philosophy and how to benefit the most