Lesson 2: Getting to know The GIMP and its working environment

Let us get to know the software with which we will be doing image editing. Ta ta ta taaam, the GIMP.


The version used in the videos is: GIMP 2.8

Although i will not remake the videos on every version release of GIMP -shame on me- you do not have to worry, since future releases will not be critically different on the basic functions, exactly those ones you are interested. Stay assured that we will focus on the job you want to do rather than on the tools you are going to use. ;-)

Let's talk about GIMP

Diving in little by little

As a matter of fact, it is very probable that getting to know GIMP means that you get in contact with a kind of interface which might seem a bit unfamiliar to you at first. This happened in my case in the first place. If you are not proficient with using a computer, please take your time here and take the lesson in order from its beginning to its end, and you will soon feel happy to have done so. To be honest i do not know the people behind the GIMP, but i am convinced that they know what they are doing absolutely. After using GIMP for quite some time as a user who wants to get the work done, i find its working interface to be very intuitive and very well elaborated, oriented towards user-friendliness and productivity.

Choosing the interface language

Getting help

Opening files: "File > Open..."

Opening files with drag&drop

Dropping files on the GIMP's window

Quick access to recently opened files

Starting a new image from scratch

Importing image data into the GIMP

Exporting image data from GIMP

"File" > "Open as Layers..."

Single- and multiple-window modes

The Undo History

Shortcuts, shortcuts, shortcuts...

Working in Fullscreen

The Image Context Menu

The View menu

Configuring the Toolbox

The good old Alt+Tab trick

The canvas and positioning tools

Zooming and panning

Image properties and the statusbar

Multiple views

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